Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oh My Lox

Woke up this morning and headed to DIS with Katie and made it to class on time. Once we got there a woman called Anne Louise Bang was there to give us a lecture on her work. She is a weaver and one of the three who are involved in a group called Textile Illusions. They create these textile weavings that interact with video either about the weaving structure or patterns found in weavings. It was really nice to see how modern textile work becomes an art form outside what they are known for. Right after Anne gave her lecture, a woman called Courtney came in to talk to us about journals. I always thought it was a way to just sketch and boy was I wrong. It was as if keeping a sketchbook/journal was a religion! This woman had all sorts of rules and challenges for us to use different types of paper and mediums, to have an entire bag devoted to a sketchbook...it was a bit over the top. The main problem with her lecture was that it was geared towards architects because it was all about sketching space, whereas we were there to get shapes and color. The two main things that were really helpful was that we should tape or glue a piece of sandpaper into the back of our sketchbooks so that we can sharpen our pencils faster, and the second this was that we could mark our sketches not only by date but also the time so that we can understand the lighting of the piece. Last night I looked in my area of the kitchen and realized I have enough food for two more lunches, so I decided that today I would by a lox sandwich (which I have been craving) and that I would pack lunch tomorrow and for Thursday while I am on my train to Sweden (this way I wouldn't buy food and have it spoil while I am gone). So off I went with a group of girls from class to my favorite Sandwich shop called "Vandkunsten Sandwich"(the D is silent in Danish unless its at the beginning of a word). It is a little sandwich shop that is a bit of a) a hole in the wall and b) underground. They ran out of the small sandwiches so I had to get the largest one and was so excited about it. After we all got our orders, we went to the stairs in the square near DIS and I opened up my sandwich and took a bit of the delicious lox that I had been wanting for days! Apparently I wasn't the only one who wanted my sandwichA bee kept landing on my lox and I screamed and tried to get rid of it by running away, but it kept following me. I was so frustrated because it wasn't following the rest of the group, just me. I kept thinking that if I was eating this gigantic sandwich, this bee is a blessing in disguise because I ran the entire 20 minutes we sat there for lunch. If anything I burned a few calories. We came back to class and talked a little about our study trip to Sweden and Finland.  I won't bore you with details of what we are doing until tomorrow's post, but it sounds amazing! Next we worked on a few more patterns and called it a day. One of the things on our packing list is a raincoat and I own nothing for rain. Why I didn't even think about it is beyond me. So I went on a mission to find a raincoat. Of course being textile designers we found ourselves in marimekko (Mari Mekko is one of the top textile designers and is based out of Finland). They were having an outlet sale and I found a great orange and pink design raincoat! I was so happy and was on a little shopping buzz so we went to a cute little shop and I found a dress with lots of pockets that is a nock off of a marimekko design called "the Finish wedding dress". Apparently, traditional Finish wedding dresses up in the countryside, had many pockets all around the dress and those who would come for the wedding would put a little gift in the pockets for the bride. So this is a modern twist on an old traditional piece and I love it. The other thing I found was an embroidered headband which I also fell in love with. Natalie's comment was "I knew you were going to get that!" because of the embroidered stitch work. Anyways, after the random shopping excursion, Katie and I headed back to Hvidore and I am in the process of doing my laundry, writing this blog entry, finishing packing tonight so that I can enjoy my dinner plans with Nathalie tomorrow instead and eventually I will meet Katie in the cafe downstairs for a beer (or cider). 

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