Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Monday was the longest day ever. I biked to Central Station in the morning, took the train up to the design school, got a Danish flag on the way (to bring to the airport) and worked like crazy all day. I came out with some great prints and really pushed my limit of how long I can go without a break. I realized that I hadn't jogged in almost a week so when the clock struck 6pm, I headed on the train and took the bus back to Hvidovre, shoved my clothes in the laundry and went for a 30 min jog. I came back EXHAUSTED but waited to put my laundry in the dryer when THE WASHER BROKE and wouldn't let me take my clothes out! Great timing washer! I was rushing to shower and run to the airport to pick up my mother who was flying in from Amsterdam at 11pm. Finally with the help of a random Dane who was folding his laundry, we figured out the problem, I shoved my clothing in the dryer, raced upstairs and showered as quickly as possible, then bolted to get my clothes, and ran to the bus. I got a train ticket to the airport and the train car (or "vagn" as they say in Danish) was full of Sweds going to Malmo from Tivoli (the amazing amusement park I am going to tomorrow!). They were scream/singing drunkenly and I suddenly freaked out and thought I was on the wrong train. I was assured I was only 2 stops away from the airport and got off on the mission to find my mother. Let me take this time to explain something hilarious about Danish culture. They greet people at the airport with Danish flags. Its the weirdest thing! Nowhere else have I seen people greet people at the airport with the flag of their country unless its an American soldier coming back from war. Anyways, I thought that was so funny so I got one to welcome my mom. I stood at the arrivals terminal for 10 minutes watching a group of teenage girls coming back from a language program to England, cry like babies while their parents waved flags in front of them as if it were  a game. Finally my mom came out and was really thrilled to see me. We got in a cab, I dropped her off at her hotel and I went on to Natalie's apartment to sleep over. It was there that I turned 21, right when I was about to fall asleep. 

Tuesday, my birthday, Natalie and I walked to the vegan bakery near her apartment to buy cake that I could eat and share with my class. The guy there was super weird and really wanted me to know everything about these vegan, gluten free, sugar free...everything but taste free cakes they were selling. Finally I just got 2 of each piece of cake they sold and we headed up to the design school. The day couldn't have felt less like my birthday. I got up there, presented my cake, got a bunch of "Happy Birthdays" and I worked all day, through lunch and had no breaks, just so I could leave at 6pm on the dot to go get dinner with my mom. My prints turned out cool and finally it was time to go.
 I got down to Vesterport station and headed to her hotel. She gave me my presents (a Yiddish CD and A CLOG BOTTLE OPENER WITH A COW PRINT ON IT!!!...HOW AMAZING!?!?!?) We talked for a bit then headed to Ankara, a Turkish place near DIS. We had a fabulous meal, and wine, served by flirty waiters and then we walked around DIS so I can a) feel like I actually live here and b) to show my mom. We ran into a few tents where part of the Out Games programs were happening and watched a large, drunken woman, wearing a neon pink, green and yellow corset dress sing opera in Spanish about Tequila. It was soooo amusing! Apparently, Natalie and her parents were there too but had no patience for it. Finally, the day came to an end and I headed back to Hvidovre and went to sleep. 

Today felt more like my birthday. The group met at Norreport Station and headed to Malena's studio where we were served tea and coffee and were shown how to work with digital textile print (the next assignment). We left and headed to lunch which included a raspberry cake from the vegan bakery and a lox sandwich from the amazing sandwich shop I have been missing. Came back to class and worked till 4pm. The Out Games have a Tel Aviv tent 15 minutes walk away from DIS and guess who was playing at 5:30pm? IVRI LIDER!!! He is an Israeli singer whi is gay and he is fantastic!
 I went my myself and listened to him sing and at one point I actually forgot I was in Denmark. I felt as if I was in the park in Tel Aviv listening to my ipod and then I opened my eyes and realized I was in Copenhagen. It was a weird feeling, but I loved it. The concert was great, even when he sang "I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It" (which was hilarious!). I walked back to my mother's hotel and met up with her, Natalie and Sarah. We went to Chilimili's for dinner because we needed something quick and with vegetables. My mom impressed my friends and we all had a great laugh while eating a great dinner. Ever since I have known I was coming to Copenhagen this summer, I knew that I wanted to go to the IceBar for my birthday. The IceBar is a bar made entirely out of ice (furniture, shot glasses...everything!) and I only turn 21 once, so it was going to be a special one made out of ice! Sarah, Natalie, Katie and I got there and I told them it was my birthday (ok so I bent the truth but it still worked). 
They gave the 4 of us free champagne and the drink that comes with the entrance fee. In addition to that we had to wear these cape/ponchos with gloves because it is so cold. It was the funniest night ever! 
The techno music was so funny and we all looked absolutely insane in our IceBar gear, and for the first 20 minutes, we were the only ones in the bar, so we acted insane, jumping around in the ice cold room drinking champagne. Other people came and we calmed down a bit but had another drink to drink. We got it, drank, laughed a bit more and then left because our 45 minutes were up. I am so happy I decided that was going to be my birthday bar. I biked back to Hvidovre and showered. It has been an amazing birthday and I thank all the people who made is so special!

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday! my panda fanatic roommate got a Morn Creations bag as birthday gift.
    she is just thrilled with it!
    Flor (
